Tableau server to cloud migration
Migrate from tableau server to cloud
Tableau migration services
Tableau cloud migration services

High Tech
STORM is an automation tool as part of the Plan → Migrate → Validate framework to move Dashboards from Tableau Server to Tableau Cloud. It allows you to Plan, Migrate and Validate your move from on-prem to cloud while automating steps in the framework for a fast, consistent and seamless process.

Storm Navigator a free migration assessment engine
Storm Optimizer which assess existing Tableau ecosystem for optimization
Storm Organizer a free content clean-up accelerator to expedite the migration
Progress and Alerts Mechanism to track migration
65% savings in time and effort via automation
Curated portfolio of dashboards and reports
Worry-free, hassle-free conversion to Tableau Cloud
Planned migration approach eliminates service interruptions
Priced by Users or Data Stores to fit unique organizational requirements
1 day TAT for free migration effort estimate and discovery
- AirlineMajor US Airline migrates 800+ dashboards to Tableau Cloud
- Worked with Tableau COE to identify and prioritize business needs
- Used Assessment accelerator to prioritize and plan migration
- Executed Optimizer accelerator to enhance dashboard and data source performance
- Migrated business-critical reports
Global youth non-profit migration from on-prem to tableau cloud- Worked closely with BI COE to establish migration plan and user communication.
- Used Organizer accelerator to restructure assets to save cost and effort.
- Executed pre-migration evaluation, migration and post-migration testing and training for users by Business Unit
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Now that you've downloaded the workbook and are ready with your repository metadata snapshot, use the Migration Planner to enter your details to calculate the cost of your Tableau Cloud migration.
If you don't have the workbook, contact USEReady for assistance at marketing@useready.com
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