STORM: A Practitioner’s Guide to Migrate from Tableau Server to Cloud
At USEReady, we have developed a framework “Plan-Migrate-Validate” to capture this migration process and created a platform called “STORM (Server To Online Report Migration)”

A Practitioner’s Guide to Tableau Blueprint
This book is written as a hands-on learning manual. Its aim is to cover most of the aspects and functionalities of Tableau Blueprint.

A Practitioners Guide To Alteryx Beginner Series 2019.2
This book is written as a hands-on learning manual. Its aim is to cover most of the aspects and functionalities of Alteryx Beginner Series Version 2019.2

A Practitioner’s Guide to Tableau Prep Builder 2019.1
This book is written as a hands-on learning manual. Its aim is to cover most of the aspects and functionalities of Tableau Prep Builder – v2019.1
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