A Practitioner’s Guide to Tableau Blueprint
This Tableau Blueprint combines the best practices in self-service analytics (defined within the Tableau Community) along with the skills and technical know-how of USEReady’s leading Tableau Experts. Organizations can embrace a data culture as their data enthusiasts learn and perfect data skills such as analytics strategy, visual analytics, better analytics proficiency, data preparation, smart analytics, improve Tableau Dashboard knowledge, and much more.

Michael Holcomb
Senior Strategic Customer Success Manager, Tableau
“Tableau Blueprint is a step-by-step guide to building the capabilities you need to create a successful data culture championed by self-service analytics across the organization. In this practitioner’s guide, you’ll find helpful information to inspire, support learning, and drive excitement around data.”

Jeremy Walsh
Senior Strategic Customer Success Manager, Tableau
“Tableau Blueprint outlines the processes and best practices to develop a culture of self-service analytics and fully realize the value of your data. Following this practitioner’s guide and leveraging a technology solution such as USEReady’s Community Center and Skill Belt, this guide will assist Information Technology and Business Leaders in developing a high performing team of users and a robust culture of analytics throughout the organization.”