Unleashing Speed-of-Thought Analytics in the Cloud
Cloud-Powered Insights on All Your Data
Elevating Analytics Speed with Cloud Innovation
Cloud-Boosted Speed-of-Thought Analytics Unleashed
Innovating Analytics Speed in the Cloud Environment
Speed-of-Thought Analytics Unleashed in the Cloud
Cloud-Powered Insights Across All Your Data
Elevating Analytics Speed with Cloud Innovation
1.5 TB of data per day? No problem! Learn how Ask.com turned to Snowflake’s cloud-native data warehouse combined with Tableau’s data visualization solution to address their challenges. Ask.com and its parent family of premium websites operate in an extremely competitive environment.
Webinar Speakers

Sanjay Machetti
Product & client Services, Ask.com

Ross Perez
Sr. Product Marketing Mgr, Tableau

John Bock
VP, Snowflake