Top APAC Wealth Manager Automates Account Statements for 60k+ Customers

Pixel Perfect for Secure Distribution of Statement of Accounts
Top APAC Wealth Manager Automates Account Statements for 60k+ Customers

Top APAC Bank Automates Account Statements

Enhancing Banking Efficiency with Automation

Transforming Customer Service in Banking

Introduction to the Case Study

Challenges Faced by the Bank

Banking Automation Solutions

Results and Impact on 60K Customers

Overview of the Banking Challenge and Solutions

Detailed Analysis of Automation Needs

Customer Experience and Satisfaction Improvements

Struggling with a time-consuming, manual process, a top APAC-based wealth management firm sought to automate secure email delivery of monthly statement of accounts (SOA) for its 60,000+ high-net-worth individual (HNWI) customers. USEReady’s Pixel Perfect for Tableau met this need by providing branded statements with dynamic data pulled directly from Tableau dashboards and automating email delivery of secure, password-protected PDFs via scheduled bursting.

Discover how Pixel Perfect for Tableau not only helped the wealth management firm streamline its monthly SOA delivery for its 60k+ HNWI customers but also helped the firm meet its regulatory compliance obligations more effectively in this success story.

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