Call Center Dashboard 2

Pixel Perfect Report

In essence, the Call Center Dashboards helps organizations improve their call efficiency by arming its users with the ability to track their performance over the course of a customized / specific time. Built in Tableau , the dashboard studies metrics such as, call handling time, customer satisfaction, service level agreements met, response and abandonment rate etc.

While dashboards offer a visually interactive and dynamic expereince – sales teams require this information to be generated into reports, in specific formats (ppt, pdf, excel) and adhering to customized rules (page numbers, rows, columns, tables etc.) based on which stakeholder the report is being shared with. Final reports generated should further retain all the filters, tables, graphs, and underlying data.

Now you can easily create pre-populated, perfectly formatted, print-ready reports, at scale and all at the click of a button from within your Tableau Dashboard using Pixel Perfect.

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