For anyone keen on taking Snowflake out for a test drive, the company typically offers a free 30-day trial. The trial guarantees Snowflake enthusiasts an unrestricted access wherein they can play around and dirty their hands in the ever-expanding Snowflake Data Cloud Platform.
But for the intrepid lot that is the Snowflake community, a 30-day trial period is hardly enough. It wants more and has even demanded extensions on the trial period from time to time.
Explore Snowflake Data Cloud Platform with a 120-Day Free Trial
As it turns out, Snowflake has finally listened and decided to extend the validity of its trial accounts by, wait for it, a full 120 DAYS!
That’s right! You can get yourself a free, all-inclusive Snowflake trial account for a four-month period right now. But wait, before you scurry to avail the offer allow us a minute to tell you the reason behind this sudden change of heart from Snowflake.
Participate in the Summit Hackathon with Snowflake’s Extended Trial Period
The reason is: The Summit Hackathon, Streamlit’s upcoming Hackathon which has invited data enthusiasts to build Streamlit apps that connect to the data stored in Snowflake.
[The less patient among you may quit reading and click Enter the Summit Hackathon! ⛰️ to know more about the hackathon and sign up for the challenge]
Since the hackathon requires finalists to present their apps at the Snowflake Summit (June 26-29, 2023), to facilitate the development and presentation of the apps during the said period without any hurdles/roadblocks, Snowflake is offering the free 120-day trial account with $400 worth of free usage for anyone participating in the hackathon.
And that’s why the extended validity!
What? You didn’t think it was a no strings attached offer, did you?
For those of you interested in making the most of this opportunity, here’s the direct official link from Snowflake to get the precious 120-day free trial account.
Snowflake 120-day Trial Account Official Link
A click on this link will take you to the page where you can create your special 120-day account. It’s not much different than creating a “normal” 30-day Snowflake trial account. Key in all the required details, verify your Snowflake account through your mail and voila! Your Snowflake trial account with 120-day validity is ready for use!
Please make sure to create your trial accounts before the midnight (Pacific Time) of May 5, 2023, since that is the last date to submit app entries in the Hackathon, and there’s every chance that the offer may not be available after this deadline.
So go, get your special 120-day free Snowflake account, now!
Happy Snowflake-ing!